
MRSD Capston Project

Primary LanguageC++


All content related to the UGV for Project SureClean. This repo is built to act as a catkin workspace for Project Sureclean's UGV. As such all ROS Packages should be added directly to the src folder, for easy tracking.

Husky Folder

The Husky folder at the root of the project contains information pertaining to setting up a Husky to be used for the Sureclean project. The README in the folder contains more detailed setup instructions.

Installation and Setup

To setup any packages included in SureClean_UGV, simply clone the repo into home directory and run catkin_make.

Then run source devel/setup.bash

Be sure to add source /home/nvidia/SureClean_UGV/devel/setup.bash to the end of the UGV's ~/.bashrc file


To test the code in simulation, first install husky_gazebo following these instructions.

  1. If husky gazebo is installed, in a terminal set an environmental variable HUSKY_GAZEBO_DESCRIPTION:
  $ export HUSKY_GAZEBO_DESCRIPTION=$(rospack find husky_gazebo)/urdf/description.gazebo.xacro
  1. Run one of the provided husky simulations, being sure to specify laser_enabled:=false to disable the laser range finder: i) Simulate Husky in an empty world
  $ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch laser_enabled:=false


  $ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_playpen.launch laser_enabled:=false
  1. In a new terminal, run source devel/setup.bash in the SureClean_UGV package directory.

  2. Launch the husky gps controller:

  $ roslaunch sureclean_utils sureclean.launch sim:=true



For ease of use, the nodes are deployed at time of UGV start-up so all logging levels are set to "output=log". Therefore, when adding print statements during debugging, one should use rqt_console view any outputs.

Debug Building

To use most debugging features, one must build the package with the following option set:

catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug