
The Video Downloader project is a Python-based application with a graphical user interface (GUI) built using tkinter and customtkinter libraries. Its primary purpose is to provide users with a free, easy, and simple way to download YouTube videos and playlists in the best and highest available resolution.

Primary LanguagePython

Video Downloder

📌 Overview

The Video Downloader project is a Python-based application with a graphical user interface (GUI) built using tkinter and customtkinter libraries. Its primary purpose is to provide users with a free, easy, and simple way to download YouTube videos and playlists in the best and highest available resolution. This project aims to streamline the video downloading process, ensuring that users can access their favorite content effortlessly.

âš™ Features

  • YouTube Video Download: The application allows users to download individual YouTube videos with ease. Users can simply paste the video URL into the interface to initiate the download process.

  • Playlist Download: Users can also download entire YouTube playlists using the application. By providing the playlist URL, users can download all videos within the playlist in one go.

  • High-Resolution Downloads: The Video Downloader project ensures that users can download videos in the best and highest available resolution. This feature enables users to enjoy their favorite content in optimal quality.

💻 Installation

  1. Python: Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from python.org.

  2. Required Libraries : This project uses several Python libraries for data analysis and GUI development. You can install these dependencies using the following command:

  pip install -r requirements.txt

🕹 Run Locally

  1. Clone the project
  git clone https://github.com/RaST-EDITH/Video-Downloder.git
  1. Go to the project directory
  cd Video-Downloder
  1. Create a virtual environment (recommended):
  python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
  • On Windows:
  • On macOS and Linux:
  source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the project dependencies from the requirements.txt file:
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Now, you have all the necessary packages installed in your virtual environment. You can start using the project. To deactivate the virtual environment when you're done, simply run:

📊 Usage

  • YouTube Video Download: The application allows users to download individual YouTube videos with ease. Users can simply paste the video URL into the interface to initiate the download process.

  • Playlist Download: Users can also download entire YouTube playlists using the application. By providing the playlist URL, users can download all videos within the playlist in one go.

😊 Contributing

Contributions to this project are welcome. If you have ideas for improvements or would like to extend its functionality, please consider forking the repository and submitting a pull request.

📎 Contact

If you have any questions or need assistance with the project, please don't hesitate to contact us at
