
Quake 2 and 3 BSP-to-AAS compiler

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Fork information

This fork adds support for Quake 2 maps reachability calculation.

Botclip, cluster portal and 'do not enter' brushes are supported, along with a new brush type 'navsplit', which can be used to split large AAS areas into multiple parts. To use these brushes you need to use the following surface flags in addition to skip flag (to make them invisible and non-solid):

  • 0x1000 makes a botclip brush (marks area inside brush as unreachable by bot)
  • 0x2000 makes a cluster portal brush (divides map into clusters, recommended to place in doorways)
  • 0x4000 makes a navsplit brush, which essentially adds another content flag which doesn't change anything except how AAS BSP splits
  • 0x8000 makes a 'do not enter' brush which marks an area for bot to avoid unless necessary

If those brushes will be used alongside areaportals (especially intersecting them), Q2 map compilers may throw up and generate areaportal leaks - for this reason, a special brush entity func_navgroup was added - it acts similar to func_group, but only on AAS generation stage - brushes inside func_navgroup are moved to worldspawn entity.

Also this fork adds additional options to '-bsp2aas' mode:

  • -forcedportals - disables automatic cluster portal creation - only forced (defined by cluster portal brushes) portals will be used
  • -onlystatic - use only worldspawn brushes for AAS calculation (no doors, triggers, etc.)


This is the Quake III: Arena BSP-to-AAS compiler.


You can download the latest version here.


Dead simple:



Straight from the source:

Usage:   bspc [-<switch> [-<switch> ...]]
Example 1: bspc -bsp2aas /quake3/baseq3/maps/mymap?.bsp
Example 2: bspc -bsp2aas /quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3/maps/q3dm*.bsp

   bsp2aas  <[pakfilter/]filter.bsp>    = convert BSP to AAS
   reach    <filter.bsp>                = compute reachability & clusters
   cluster  <filter.aas>                = compute clusters
   aasopt   <filter.aas>                = optimize aas file
   aasinfo  <filter.aas>                = show AAS file info
   output   <output path>               = set output path
   threads  <X>                         = set number of threads to X
   cfg      <filename>                  = use this cfg file
   optimize                             = enable optimization
   noverbose                            = disable verbose output
   breadthfirst                         = breadth first bsp building
   nobrushmerge                         = don't merge brushes
   noliquids                            = don't write liquids to map
   freetree                             = free the bsp tree
   nocsg                                = disables brush chopping
   forcesidesvisible                    = force all sides to be visible
   grapplereach                         = calculate grapple reachabilities


File a bug report if you run into issues.


This program is licensed under the GNU Public License v2.0 and any later version.