
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


---------------All the related submission links are provided below--------------------------------------

On surveying nearly 200 students it was evident that they were curious about ML models and how they can help in exploration and understanding of the Sun so we thought of applying AI and ML models for solar exploration. So here is a particular application of ML to Heliophysics. Our team found a dataset from kaggle which had the data about monthly sunspots observed during the period 1800 – 2019. We trained a LSTM based Neural Network on the data and tried to forecast the results in the test dataset and the model’s performance was astonishing. This could give people a lot of information on how data from solar expeditions could look like and what can we do with those data. From this model we can understand about the solar cycle. In the future, we aim to Predict and forecast the geomagnetic disturbances caused due to solar wind which would help us to understand a lot of natural phenomena like solar flares, Auroras and most importantly in terraforming Mars and etc…

The saga of SUN the star is a short animation created using Adobe After Effects. This animation aims to present the solar information in the form of a fairy tale and is designed especially for the kids so as to take them into a wide world of imagination while intriguing them at the same time about the universe to which we belong. The story revolves around the adventures of the Sun from the beginning of the universe and depicts a one-sided love story of the Sun and the Earth. And like most of the fairy tales, it will be a happy ending where the Sun ends up saving the Earth by supporting future space explorations.

We, Team Antariksh, through our website platform ‘SUNSITE’ believe in creating a difference when it comes to educating the common mass more about the Sun and spark an interest in them. We have set out on a journey to create a platform through which we can make ‘Sun’ a more explorable subject than ever before. With the help and support of various features that we aim to provide on our website, we aim to reach and connect with people from all parts of the society and form a like-minded community who wish to explore the Sun at their fingertips. We want to build the first fully dedicated online platform for exploring the Sun on a global level. We want to keep this platform open for all, users can utilize this platform on various levels starting from publishing their articles or writing blogs on our site to just clarifying doubts or just take part in a discussion in the chat forum. Through the various resources that we will keep open for all users, we aim to make the Sun more accessible and updated to everyone…


Trailer video: https://youtu.be/pgTcV61QFkE

The saga of SUN the star(animated short story): https://youtu.be/NdlEW42mhSs

Demo PPT Submission: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YtZEklIPRuDm49I5NA1Lv2sZUaNHkvAG

Main Project Submission NSAC21: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AHS4Y5cDqrCuY4nM6tbIrJdjDydCdPYc