
A slack App written in python which serves a management tool for a Netlify site.

Primary LanguagePython

Netlify Slack Bot

This is a Slack bot that integrates with Netlify. The bot allows users to perform various actions on Netlify deployments directly from Slack, such as listing recent deploys, locking and unlocking a site, rolling back to a previous deploy, and setting the live deploy.


Before running the bot, make sure you have the following set up:

  • Python 3.x installed on your machine
  • Slack API token: Obtain a Slack API token by creating a new Slack app and going to the OAuth & Permissions section, make sure it has the chat:write Bot Token Scope
  • Slack signing secret: Can be found under "App Credentials" on the "Basic Information" tab in the Slack app web settings
  • Netlify Site ID: Check the site settings on netlify to find the ID for the site you want to control with this bot
  • Netlify API token: Generate a Netlify API token from the Netlify account settings


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended)
  4. Install the required Python packages by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a .env file in the project directory and add the following environment variables:
NETLIFY_SITE_ID=<Netlify site ID>
SLACK_TOKEN=<Slack API token>
SIGNING_SECRET=<Slack signing secret>
  1. Replace <Netlify API token> with your Netlify API token
  2. Replace <Netlify site ID> with the ID of your Netlify site
  3. Replace <Slack API token> with your Slack API token
  4. Replace <Slack signing secret> with your Slack signing secret

Available Commands

The bot supports the following commands:

  • /list-deploys [numOfDeploys]: Lists the most recent Netlify deploys. numOfDeploys is an optional parameter to specify the number of deploys to retrieve (default is 3).
  • /lock: Locks the Netlify site to prevent further deploys.
  • /unlock: Unlocks the Netlify site to allow deploys.
  • /rollback: Rolls back the Netlify site to the previous deploy.
  • /set-live [deployID]: Sets the live deploy for the Netlify site. deployID is an optional parameter to specify a specific deploy ID. If not provided, the bot will choose the most recent deploy with a "ready" status.


  1. Start the bot by running python3 slack_bot.py
  2. Use a localhost to web forwarding tool such as Pinggy.io, ngrok, Localtunnel, or localhost.run
  3. Configure all the Slash Commands in the Slack app settings to point to the web endpoint with each command endpoint followed by the command itself. So /lock command endpoint would be https://some-endpoint.com/lock
  4. Install the bot to your Slack workspace
  5. Add the bot to a channel and start messaging!


Contributions to the project are welcome. If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to open a pull request.


If you need help setting this up you can follow this playlist.