
App to demonstrate Decroator Pattern in an Vaadin Application

Primary LanguageJava

Gammazon Wearhouse

Gammazon is a mini online Shop Vaadin-System. It is created to demonstrate the Decorator Pattern in a Software Solution.

The Decorator Pattern

It is used to implement the Filter Logic inside the Application. In this case every Type of Filter is represented by a Decorator. There is currently only one Component that can be decorated (FilterableList).

How to start?


This Solution needs a Connection to an PostgreSQL Database. In development a Docker Container was used to connect to this Database (in case anyone wonders why there are Credentials checked in). To change the Database connection you have to edit the application.properties file.


To start this Application it is required to have Java-15 and Maven installed.

If these Requirements are satisfied run:

mvn spring-boot:run


The application is using the following Tech-Stack:

  • PostgreSQL
  • JPA - Hibernate
  • Spring Boot
  • Vaadin


For Auth this Application is using Spring-Boot Security with the Application Database as a Datasource.

Note: For demonstration purposes the Passwords are saved as Plain-Text in the Database. This can easily be changed by using another Passwordencoder

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    public static PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        //Just use another Encryptor here (eg: Bcrypt)
        return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();

There is a Permission-System implemented, currently there are 2 Permissions present:


Permission Description
insights:view enables the User to view the Insights Page
users:view enables the User to view the Users Page