
A simple chat bot for twitch

Primary LanguageC#

CatzBot for Twitch

A simple chat bot for Twitch

Get Support here: https://discord.com/invite/r9jCkyq4bG

Visit the projects wiki for a lot more detailed information: https://github.com/Rabergsel/CatzBotTwitch/wiki

If you got an idea what should be added, please open an issue here on github with the title beginning with "Feature Request" or "FR:", or head over to my discord server.

Image of Bot Start GUI

Troubleshooting and Q&A

Is this secure?

Yes! All the tokens will only be saved locally, just as the whole bot runs locally. Nothing will be sent to the internet except the Twitch stuff. Just make sure to not show your tokens to the world or something, as someone requires all the power over your account if someone knows the tokens.

It did work, but not anymore!

It may be that one of your tokens expired. This is usually about every month. Just generate a new token. This is nothing I can change, this is some Twitch internal stuff. It is only for your security, as if someone got your token, they will be kicked out as soon as the token expires.

Can my PC run this?

As long as you have more than some MB of space and more than 100 MB of free RAM, yes!

Would you buy me a coffee?

Do you like coffee? I do! If this project helped you a lot, I would really appreciate if you would buy me a coffee and give some feedback.


A coffee costs around 2$ where I live, I drink so much coffee that I really love someone giving me coffee. Thanks :D