
Java coding GFG 30 day coding challenge

Primary LanguageJava


Java coding GFG 30 day coding challenge

The problems in the 30 Days of Code challenge will be based on a wide range of Data Structures & Algorithms topics in the following manner:

Day 1 and Day 4; the problem on these two days will be based on the Array topic.

Day 2 and Day 3; here you’ll get the problem based on Mathematics concepts.

Day 5 and Day 6; here you need to solve the problems based on Matrix.

Day 7 and Day 8; the problem will be related to Searching & Sorting and Two Pointers respectively.

Day 9, 10, and 11; these 3 days will be solely dedicated to the Strings based problems.

Day 12 and Day 13; the problem on these days will be based on Bit Magic and Recursion respectively.

Day 14 and Day 15; here you’ll get the problem based on Hashing and Linked List respectively.

Day 16, 17, and 18; these 3 days will be solely dedicated to the Stack-based problems.

Day 19; on this particular day, you’ll get the problem based on Queue.

Day 20 and Day 21; these two days are allotted to Tree based problems.

Day 22; here you’ll get the problem based on BST (Binary Search Tree).

Day 23 and Day 24; the problem on these two days will be based on Heap Data Structure.

Day 25 and Day 26; these two days are allotted to Graph and Topological Sorting based problems respectively.

Day 27 and Day 28; these 2 days will be particularly dedicated to Greedy Algorithms based problems.

Day 29 and Day 30; on the last two days, you’ll get the problem based on Prefix & Suffix and Dynamic Programming respectively.

The problems you’ll get on the above-mentioned topics will surely help you to validate your programming and Data Structures & Algorithms skills.

And as known to everyone that how crucial is to being proficient with DS and Algorithms skills to crack the interviews of any leading IT giants – the problems you’ll face in this 30 Days of Code course will undoubtedly boost your confidence and make you prepare for your upcoming tech interview rounds. And who knows that you may get the same problem in the interviews which you’ve already solved in this 30 Days of Code challenge!

So, if you aim to develop the habit of coding every day and want to level up your Programming skills – you must participate in this exciting coding adventure, 30 Days of Code without giving a second thought!