Hi 👋 My name is Rabindra

Web Developer

Frontend developer with demonstrated web development skills using JavaScript and ReactJs. Skills : JavaScript, Core Java, TypeScript, ReactJs, MongoDB, NodeJs, ExpressJS, styled Components, Redux, and many more...

  • 🌍  I'm based in India
  • 🖥️ See my portfolio at Rabindra
  • ✉️  You can contact me at rabindramohar@gmail.com
  • 🚀  I'm currently working on Global Edge Software
  • 🧠 I'm learning Typescript
  • 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on interesting projects


JavascriptTypescriptJavaHTML5ReactCSS3SassTailwindCSSBootstrapMaterial UIReduxWebpackBabelNodeJSExpressJSMongoDB

