This is a quick and dirty way to export metrics out of OpenTSDB in a way that will make them usable for other, similar systems. Sadly, OpenTSDB doesn't provide a good (or really, any) way to export this data.
Basically what we have to do is pull a time range for a metric, look for any places it's aggregating data (via "aggregateTags"), and for those places, build new queries using "tag=*", and do it again until we don't have any aggregations happening, and then write that out.
It is not the fastest thing in the world, but it's functional.
The code outputs metrics that can be piped directly into a network
connection to anything that understands the OpenTSDB metric format, e.g.
./tsdb-export -metric -start 1606139854 -end 1606399027 | nc localhost 4242
If that doesn't work for you, run through sed or adjust printSingleMetric
in the code.
To build: go build
Usage of ./tsdb-export:
-end int
Unix timestamp of end of metrics, ex. 1503792000 (2017-08-27 00:00:00)
Extract a list of all metrics
-metric string
Metric name to export
-querylength int
Break down queries to increments of this length (in seconds) (default 86400)
-start int
Unix timestamp of start of metrics, ex. 1459814400 (2016-04-05 00:00:00)
-url string
OpenTSDB URL (default "http://localhost:4242")
Export example:
./tsdb-export -metric tsd.compaction.queue.size -start 1606139854 -end 1606399027 -url http://localhost:4242
List metric names:
./tsdb-export -list -url http://localhost:4242
Suggested use:
for metric in $(./tsdb-export -list -url http://localhost:4242)
./tsdb-export -metric $metric -start 1606139854 -end 1606399027 -url http://localhost:4242 > $metric.txt