
View twitch streamers with zero viewers at nobody.live

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



A worker script (scanner.py) loops through the Twitch API's list of streams and spins until it inserts all streamers it finds matching the search criteria (default zero viewers), then it starts again. These streamers are pruned after a set number of seconds (SECONDS_BEFORE_RECORD_EXPIRATION) on the assumption that someone will view them and then they won't have zero viewers any more so should not be served for too long.

Environment variables needed for both scanner and app:

  • NOBODY_HOST: the database host
  • NOBODY_DATABASE: the database name
  • NOBODY_USER: the database user
  • NOBODY_PASSWORD: the database password

Environment variables to be set for the scanner only:

Meanwhile, the Flask app in app.py serves the index and the endpoint to get a random streamer.

Getting Up and Running

  • Install and start Postgres with a created database
  • Run the stream fetcher (e.g. CLIENT_ID=xxxxxx CLIENT_SECRET=xxxxxx scanner.py). This will need to run continuously. Be sure to include your database credentials.
  • Run the flask app (flask run). Be sure to include your database credentials.

This is obviously not production ready; you'll need to make sure all services are running as daemons (some config files are included in etc) and that your flask app is running safely (e.g. behind gunicorn/nginx/pick your poison).


Update direct dependencies in requirements.in; use pip-compile to compile them down to requirements.txt if you update them.
