Python library to parse Hikvision datadirs that Hikvision IP cameras store the videos. Using this class you can view details about recordings stored in a datadir and extract video and thumbnails.
from libhikvision import libHikvision
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
cameradir = '/var/tmp/hikvision/'
hik = libHikvision(cameradir, 'video')
# Get information about the server
# Extract the segments within a specific range of dates
# segments = hik.getSegments(
# from_time=datetime(2023, 5, 5, 8, 0, 0),
# to_time=datetime(2023, 5, 20, 23, 59, 00),
# Extract last 3 Hours
segments = hik.getSegments(
from_time=( - timedelta(hours=3)),
# Extract the Videos and Images from segments found above
for num, segment in enumerate(segments, start=0):
print('{0:4}) {1[cust_filePath]:55} {1[cust_duration]:5} {1[startOffset]:10} {1[endOffset]:10} {1[cust_startTime]} - {1[cust_endTime]}'.format(
oDate = datetime.strptime("{0[cust_startTime]}".format(segment), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print(hik.extractSegmentMP4(num, cachePath='/var/tmp/', filename='/var/tmp/video-{0}.mp4'.format(sDateFormated)))
print(hik.extractSegmentJPG(num, cachePath='/var/tmp/', filename='/var/tmp/video-{0}.jpg'.format(sDateFormated)))
You should also check the documentation of each method for extra options.
Based on Dave Hope's PHP code available at