
Prepared web page that shows dynamically rendered content

Primary LanguageJavaScript


web page that shows dynamically rendered content


As I used the ‘suggested’ method for complete beginners I used the school Linux Machine. I created an HTML page and JS file under my ~/public_html/ folder that requests the data from my backend URL - my API from section 4.2 and display its text on the webpage.

The URL to my complete frontend and backend webpage is http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~rminkowi/index.html

URL route

http:// The first part of the URL is the scheme, which indicates the protocol that the browser must use to request the resouce This website's scheme is HTTP (unsecure).

acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu Next follows the authority, which includes the domain name and port (separated with a colon) The domain indicates which Web server is being requested. Here the acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu is the web server being accessed. As this URL uses standard ports of HTTP the port is omitted.

/~rminkowi/index.html this is the path to the resource on the Web server. In this case it is the physical file location on the Web server where the file index.html is stored within the rminkowi folder.

Data Flow

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 5 17 51 PM

resources used