
Creating a database using sqlite3

Primary LanguageShell

Creating a database using sqlite3


This project builds a SQL table of inmate release information in NYC (in 2018) using sqlite3 version 3.32.3. The script can be run in the command line so the user has a built database and the .db exported to another .csv file (a tad extra).

dataBase.sh Breakdown

The script first downloads a .csv file from the internet using curl and saves it to a .csv file on the local computer with the name inmateFile.csv. It then begins databasing. The script activates sqlite3 (assuming it's already installed on the computer) with a database called dataBase.db if this db already exists on the local computer then it will open the already existing db, otherwise it will create a new one called dataBase.db and include << EOF which is understood that we'll be reading in input in sqlite3 until the EOF marker.

  • .mode csv sets input mode
  • .import inmateFile.csv tab6 Import data from inmateFile.csv into tab6 (it creates a table called tab6)
  • .schema shows the CREATE statements in the command line
  • .headers on allows column labels to be printed as the first row of output in the csv
  • .mode csv sets output mode to
  • .once outputFile.csv causes all query output to go into outputFile.csv instead of being printed on the console
  • SELECT * FROM tab6; selects all data from tab6
  • EOF end of file marker - script terminates


  1. Open terminal and clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/RachMink/CISC3140Lab4Task1.git

  2. navigate into the cloned repository using cd

  3. once you get there, if you type ls you should see the dataBase.sh shell script in the folder

  4. in the command line make the script executable with chmod 755 dataBase.sh

  5. run the script with ./dataBase.sh

  6. the output on your command line should be the schema of the table

  "inmateid" TEXT, 
  "admitted_dt" TEXT, 
  "discharged_dt" TEXT, 
  "race" TEXT, 
  "gender" TEXT,
  "age" TEXT, 
  "inmate_status_code" TEXT, 
  "top_charge" TEXT 

Explaining the schema

The schema of a database is basically a blueprint to the database. Since my database only inlcudes one table the relation schema of this table is the name of the table, and the name/type of each column in it.

My table tab6 includes 8 columns each of which inlcude TEXT information: inmateid inlcudes the ID of the inmate while they were being held - This is the primary key column that uniquely identifies each inmate record. admitted_dt the date and time the inmate was admitted discharged_dt the date and time the inmate was released race race of the inmate gender gender of the inmate age age of the inmate inmate_status_code Provides the inmate status i.e. if an inmate is a detainee top_charge Top charge for the inmate

Helpful Resources

  • although techical documentation can be daunting and lengthy at times the sqlite website is an easy to read, user friendly resource
  • great SQLite tutorial