
Blogging functionality for Scitech Website, IIT-Hyderabad. Uses Jekyll

Primary LanguageCSS

Blog template for SciTech-IITH

This template is for blogging functionality implemented to be used by the Scitech-Council, IIT-Hyderabad.

How to use:

Install ruby on your system if you haven't already. Download or git clone the repository
cd into it
run bundle exec jekyll serve navigate to localhost:4000

What's working:

  1. Each of the club pages
  2. Each of the posts

What isn't

  1. Main landing pages
  2. Club List

How to preview:

go to localhost:/4000/clubs/prakriti.html for how multiple posts are stacked up

view the README post localhost:4000/clubs/lambda.html for how to write a new post.


  1. Finish this Readme
  2. Add pagination
  3. Write the main landing page
  4. Write a club page


HTML5UP for the theme Future Imperfect