Racks Project Manager

API Docuentation with Postman


First install all dependencies with

npm install

Afterwards you have to set up your Github and Discord Access Tokens.


We use Octokit (https://www.npmjs.com/package/octokit) to execute the Github API calls.

npm i octokit
  • On Project Created, a new repository with the same name will be created in Racks Community Organization.

  • When a Contributor joins a project he receives an invitation to join the repository with write permissions.

  • When finishing a project, the admin will get an approximated meassure of every contributor's participation.

    . It is calculated based on the number of commits.

    . It is important to follow commit convention, including [mid] or [high] (or empty if it's a simple commit) in the commit message, to calculate properly the commit's weight.

    . This calculation isn't deffinitive but just an approximation, which must be object of discussion between admin and contributors.

  • After completting a project, the Contributor will receive an invite to join the Racks Community Organization.


We use the Discord Bot API implementation of discord.js to manage the Racks Dao Server. First I created a Discord Bot in the developers section (https://discord.com/developers/applications/)

It must have Bot scope with the following permissions:

  • Manage Roles
  • Manage Channels
  • Create Instant Invite

You can use and authorize the Bot I created just by clicking in this url as long as you are the owner of the Discord server https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1012037548362694758&permissions=268435473&scope=bot

Using discord.js

npm i discord.js

You can find the documentation of discord.js here: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/

Our Discord Implementation:

  • On Project Created, a new role with the project's name is created
  • On Project Created, a new category channel with the associated text and voice channels will be created with the permissions set so only admins and members with the project role will be able to see and use the new channels.
  • When a holder upgrades to Contributor, he receives an invite to the Racks Dao Server.
  • When a Contributor joins a project, he will be granted with the project role so he has access to the respective channels.

Database and Starting Server

We just use a MongoDB instance.

Run the main server like this:

npm run dev

When you first run the application, you can call


to create the universal admin user.

Run the events server like this:

npm run events

This second server will connect to our Smart Contract and will be listening permanentelly to some events. When any of these events are triggered it makes a call to the main API to finish the process persisting the pending data to our database.

It behaves like a Private Events Indexer.

Node.js express.js MongoDB JWT WEB 3 REST API // Base Documentation


  • Multiple environment ready (development, production)
  • Custom email/password user system with basic security and blocking for preventing brute force attacks.
  • Compressed responses.
  • Secured HTTP headers.
  • CORS ready.
  • Cache ready (Redis).
  • HTTP request logger in development mode.
  • i18n ready (for sending emails in multiple languages).
  • User roles.
  • Pagination ready.
  • Users list for admin area.
  • Cities model and controller example.
  • Login access log with IP, browser and country location (for country it looks for the header cf-ipcountry that CloudFlare creates when protecting your website).
  • API autogenerated documentation by Postman.
  • API collection example for Postman.
  • Testing with mocha/chai for API endpoints.
  • NPM scripts for cleaning and seeding the MongoDB database.
  • NPM script for keeping good source code formatting using prettier and ESLint.
  • Use of ESLint for good coding practices.
  • Mailer example with Nodemailer and Mailgun.
  • Ability to refresh token
  • login web 3
  • JWT Tokens, make requests with a token after login with Authorization header with value Bearer yourToken where yourToken is the signed and encrypted token given in the response from the login process.


  • Node.js 10+
  • MongoDB 3.6+
  • Redis 5.0+


To ensure the deliverability of emails sent by this API, Mailgun is used for mailing users when they sign up, so if you want to use that feature go sign up at their website https://www.mailgun.com

If you want to try a different method it´s ok, I used https://nodemailer.com for this API and they have different transport methods like: smtp.


Language is automatically detected from Accept-Language header on the request. So either you send locale manually on the request or your browser will send its default, if Accept-Language header is not sent then it will use en locale as default.

How to run

Database cleaning and seeding samples

There are 3 available commands for this: fresh, clean and seed.

npm run command
  • fresh cleans and then seeds the database with dynamic data.
  • clean cleans the database.
  • seed seeds the database with dynamic data.

Running in development mode (lifting API server)

npm run dev

You will know server is running by checking the output of the command npm run dev

*    Starting Server
*    Port: 3000
*    NODE_ENV: development
*    Database: MongoDB
*    DB Connection: OK

Running tests

It´s a good practice to do tests at your code, so a sample of how to do that in mocha/chai is also included in the /test directory

npm run test

Formatting code

Format your code with prettier by typing:

npm run format

Formatting markdown files

Format all your markdown files with remark by typing:

npm run remark

Linting code

Lint your code with ESLint by typing:

npm run lint