
A collection of personal SlackBuilds.

Primary LanguageShell

X Inc SlackBuilds

Here are some of my SlackBuilds for Slackware.

Before use, remember that YOU ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Don't blame me if your
system explodes or suffer any other bad things.

If you want use one of them, fakeroot package installed is recommended (you can
find it in linuxpackages.net or use the SlackBuild from here). With that, it's
possible to run the SlackBuilds as normal user. Creating a user only for this
task is very important too. 

slack-required files do not show true requirements, it is used more as reference
than speak the truth. :)

Default /bin/sh in Slackware is bash, all of SlackBuilds from here have bashisms
and this will never be fixed by me.

The "exit 1" are in for a reason, do not remove them! If a SB do not finish correctly,
try to figure out the problem.

ARCH defaults to x86_64.

Some download links are broken, so, if this happens, you may search source files by yourself.

Extra build requirements (all Slackware series "d" is mandatory) needed to run
some SBs (if not installed, the script will die):
  - cabextract
  - desktop-file-utils
  - icoutils
  - imagemagick (convert tool mostly)
  - jam
  - p7zip
  - scons

Some SlackBuilds have switches to turn on/off specific functions (tests, features).
See general variables too, like PKGFORMAT, that sets package format.

Some SlackBuilds are placed on subdirectories (eg.: perl-modules or gnome), so use
"find . -type d |grep -i <string>" to search them.

If you are using default qt package from Slackware, make a link qmake-qt4:
  ln -s qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt4


If you can not find a SlackBuild that existed before, see _pasture/README.

I like to thanks Martijn Dekker from linuxpackages.net[1] for fakeroot procedures 
for use in SlackBuilds and Slackware packages, joost witteveen, Clint Adams and
Timo Savola for the great fakeroot[2], Arch[3], Debian[4], Fedora[5], Gentoo[6] \
developers for some patches and install procedures and, of course, The Slackware
Linux Project[7] for all.

See the projects websites from more info on trademarks or other things.

[1] http://www.linuxpackages.net/
[2] http://fakeroot.alioth.debian.org/fakeroot
[3] http://www.archlinux.org/
[4] http://www.debian.org/
[5] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/
[6] http://www.gentoo.org/
[7] http://www.slackware.com/