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Made some modifications to existing usermods. First the tall feet for the skirtmod by doubletrouble. Added the filament guide. Also added buttons and changed backplate of display. https://github.com/VoronDesign/VoronUsers/tree/master/printer_mods/doubletrouble/V0_Skirt_Mod

The hinge by MSiemons was changed so the tophat can easily be taken off or hinged backward. Changed just the lower parts not the tophat part. https://github.com/VoronDesign/VoronUsers/tree/master/printer_mods/MSiemons/TophatHingeV0.1

Made a handle to pickup based on the doorhandle of the original design. Should go on like this one by Ch4rlesB https://github.com/VoronDesign/VoronUsers/tree/master/printer_mods/Ch4rlesB/V0_Handles_Slim

Ziptie/tie-wrap brackets that push in and twist to lock. Holes in 2 directions for perpendicular or parallel fixing of cables.

Modifications to oldfar-t sideswipe (https://github.com/oldfar-t/Side-Swipe-Magnetic-Probe). The lip did not fit and added ADXL moount plus enlarged the holes for the magnets. Made a longer arm that can hold brush too. work in progress