
Zoomer voice assistant

Primary LanguagePython



  • Windows (Linux will probably work if you modify SpeechProvider.__init__().set_voice function to detect language correctly. Had to implement it that way to set language on Windows 11)
  • Python (>=3.9 should work fine, the older versions were not tested)

Quick start

  1. (Optional) Create and activate Python virtual environment:

On Windows:

$ python -m venv ./.venv
$ .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

On Linux:

$ python -m venv ./.venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create configuration file (config.json) in the project directory:
    "default_answer": "Sorry, I don't understand",
    "threshold": 0.6,
    "use_wakeup_sentence": true,
    "wakeup_sentence": "okay boomer",
    "use_console_io": false,
        "openweatherapi_key": "<YOUR OPENWEATHERAPI KEY>",
        "default_city": "London"
    "search_directory": "./library"
  • default_answer: Bot's anster when user input doesn't match any adapter
  • threshold: TF-IDF adapter detection threshold
  • use_wakeup_sentence: If true, bot will wait for user to say wakeup_sentence before trying to detect commands
  • wakeup_sentence: Sentence starting bot listening for command
  • use_console_io: If true will use console input/output instead of voice interface
  • weather:
    • openweatherapi_key: Your OpenWeatherAPI key (required for weather-related commands)
    • default_city: City used if user does not provide any when asking for weather
  • search_directory: Directory containing the files searched using "search" command
  1. Download stop words used by nltk
$ python setup.py
  1. Start assistant
$ python main.py