
This is the link to deployed Website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bank of Flatiron

By Raddames Tonui


Project Description

This is a simple website that:
A user can:
    - See a table of the transactions.
    - Fill out and submit the form to add a new transaction. 
    - Filter transactions by typing into the search bar. 
    - Delete a transaction 

Setup/Installation Requirements

1. Download zip in the code section of github to your desired folder
2. Extract the files
3. Open the folder with vs code.
4. Then run `npm start` to run the website. 

Live link

Deployed Frontend can be accessed here Front End
Deployed Backend can be accessed here backend End

Technologies used


GET /transactions (How json-server looks like)

Example Response:

    "id": 1,
    "date": "2019-12-01",
    "description": "Paycheck from Bob's Burgers",
    "category": "Income",
    "amount": 1000
    "id": 2,
    "date": "2019-12-01",
    "description": "South by Southwest Quinoa Bowl at Fresh & Co",
    "category": "Food",
    "amount": -10.55

Support and contact details

 email : raddamestonui48@gmail.com
 phone : +254717771461


*Licenced under the MIT Licence Copyright (c) 2023 **Raddames Tonui