
The objective of this assignment is to familiarize students with the basic workflow of creating a GitHub repository, connecting it to a local folder, and making commits and pushes.


  • A GitHub account (create one if you don't have it already).

  • Git installed on your local machine.

  • A code editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text).

Task 1: Repository Setup

  1. GitHub Repository Creation:
  • Log in to your GitHub account.

  • Create a new repository on GitHub (let's call it "PLPBasicGitAssignment").

  • Initialize it with a README file.

Task 2: Local Setup

  1. Local Folder Setup:
  • Create a new folder on your local machine (e.g., "PLPBasicGitAssignment").

  • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the created folder.

  1. Git Initialization:
  • Initialize a new Git repository in your local folder.
  1. Connecting to GitHub:
  • Link your local repository to the GitHub repository you created in Task 1.

git remote add origin <repository-url>

Replace <repository-url> with the actual URL of your GitHub repository.

Task 3: Making Changes

  1. Create a File:
  • Inside your local folder, create a new text file (e.g., hello.txt).

  • Add a simple text message (e.g., "Hello, Git!").

  1. Committing Changes:
  • Stage the changes.
git add hello.txt
  • Commit the changes.
git commit -m "Add hello.txt with a greeting"

Task 4: Pushing to GitHub

  1. Pushing to GitHub:
  • Push the committed changes to your GitHub repository.
git push -u origin main

Task 5: Verification

  1. Verify on GitHub:
  • Visit your GitHub repository in a web browser and confirm that the hello.txt file and commit message are visible.


  • Ensure all changes are pushed to your GitHub repository.

  • Share the link to your GitHub repository with the instructor or submit it as per the class instructions.

Additional Tips:

  • Document the steps and commands used in a text file or in the README of your repository.

  • If you encounter issues, refer to the GitHub documentation or seek assistance from peers or the instructor.

This assignment is a basic introduction to the Git and GitHub workflow, emphasizing repository creation, local setup, making changes, committing, and pushing to GitHub.