
dashboard for visualizing data of a project for the hfg-gmuend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#install dashboard

Install mongodb with Homebrew

Install with Homebrew

brew install mongodb

Install node.js

Install with NVM (recommended by nodejs-project)


Install with Homebrew

$ brew install node

Install dependencies with npm

cd /projectfolder
npm install

Don't forget to set the right ip in your code for huzzah/other devices which will connect to mqtt server!!

Run test without running server

runs project without starting the server daemon. for changing html, css

npm test

Run project with server

npm start

Stop Server

  1. To stop the server open a shell and type
use admin
  1. Leave the process with ctrl-c
  2. To stop the process type:
pkill mongo

Knowledge Base

Start MongoDB Server in other folder:

mongod --dbpath=/databasefolder --port 27017

To create a capped Collection


Get fast to folder

cd /folder

Set a static IP for connecting to mqtt server: Example: