
A project for Algorithm Strategies course. A desktop maze-solver using BFS and DFS algorithm application made with .NET framework.

Primary LanguageC#

Maze Solver With BFS and DFS Algorithm

Table of Contents

General Information

This project is the 2nd project for algorithm strategy course in Bandung Institute of Technologi. In this project we were assigned to make a maze solver using breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS) algorithm implemented in C#. The maze is represented by a 2D array of char. The maze is solved by finding all the treasure on the map. The start point is represented by K and the treasure is represented by T. The path is represented by R and the wall is represented by X. The program will output the path from the start point to all the treasure. The program will also output the number of nodes that are visited by the algorithm.


Name NIM
Raditya Naufal A. 13521022
Muhammad Aji W. 13521095
Arsa Izdihar I. 13521101


| |____Spongbob.sln
| |____Spongbob
| | |____ViewLocator.cs
| | |____Models
| | | |____Graph.cs
| | | |____Algorithm.cs
| | | |____DFS.cs
| | | |____Parser.cs
| | | |____Map.cs
| | | |____Result.cs
| | | |____BFS.cs
| | |____App.axaml
| | |____Styles.axaml
| | |____app.manifest
| | |____App.axaml.cs
| | |____Spongbob.csproj
| | |____Views
| | | |____MainWindow.axaml
| | | |____ToggleButtonView.axaml.cs
| | | |____MainWindow.axaml.cs
| | | |____TileView.axaml.cs
| | | |____ToggleButtonView.axaml
| | | |____SidebarView.axaml.cs
| | | |____ResultView.axaml.cs
| | | |____ResultView.axaml
| | | |____SidebarView.axaml
| | | |____TileView.axaml
| | |____ViewModels
| | | |____ViewModelBase.cs
| | | |____EnumConverter.cs
| | | |____MainWindowViewModel.cs
| | | |____ToggleButtonViewModel.cs
| | | |____ResultViewModel.cs
| | | |____SidebarViewModel.cs
| | | |____TileViewModel.cs
| | |____Program.cs 

How to Use


  • .NET framework (ver 6.0)
  • Avalonia UI


  1. Clone repo using this command
git clone https://github.com/MuhamadAjiW/Tubes2_Spongbob.git
  1. Run dotnet to build the project using this command
dotnet build

Program Execution

  1. (windows) Run Spongbob.exe in bin/Release/net6.0-windows
  2. (mac) Run Spongbob in bin/Release/net6.0-mac
  3. Choose desired map from test folder or anywhere in your device
  4. Pick the configuration for BFS or DFS and TSP or Non-TSP
  5. Press search or visualize button
  6. Enjoy ^ ^
