
Thank you for purchasing UPixelator! ❤️
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If you only see this message "Please download this asset to leave a review":
Click on one of the N star blue rows and the "Write a Review" button will show up.


If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me at reslav.hollos@gmail.com.
You can also join the Discord server!

How to update!

v2 -> v3

  • Please first delete Assets/Abiogenesis3d
  • Remove previous UPixelator prefabs or other scripts from scenes

v2 -> v2.1.0

  • Please first delete Assets/Abiogenesis3d and Assets/Editor/Abiogenesis3d folders
  • [Pixel Art Edge Highlights] install minimum v1.3 version

v1 -> v2

  • Please first delete Assets/Abiogenesis3d and Assets/Editor/Abiogenesis3d folders
  • [Pixel Art Edge Highlights] install minimum v1.1 version

Quick start

  • Drag and drop Prefabs/UPixelator into scene.
  • Or open the scene under the Example/Scenes folder.
  • Otherwise go to the Setup section of this readme.


UPixelator is a shaderless solution for pixelating 3d scenes with pixel creep reduction for orthographic camera.
It provides the base for creating Pixel Art style games with 3d models.

WebGL Demo
Asset Store
Discord Server


Render pipelines

  • Built-in ✓
  • URP ✓

Tested builds

Unity 2021.3 (Builtin, URP 12): Windows, WebGL
Unity 2022.3 (Builtin, URP 14): Windows, WebGL


Requires no special shaders so you can keep your existing materials.

Some restrictions apply for screen space effects, please see Shader limitations section.


Achieved by rendering to a lower resolution render texture and upscaling to fit the screen.
A second camera then renders those pixelated camera outputs and doubles as a UI camera.

Pixel Creep reduction

Camera and tagged objects are snapped to a grid of world space pixel size resulting in the same pixel colors being rendered while moving.

Subpixel stabilization

Snapping camera to pixel size grid makes it shake so subpixel offset is applied in the game resolution based on the snap position difference.

How the asset works

  1. Camera gets snapped to a grid of size of a pixel in world space which makes pixel colors consistent but shows a zig-zag movement.
  2. Zig-zag is smoothed out with offseting the upscaled image for the difference from the original camera position.
  3. This makes the scene stable for non moving objects so for moving objects a Snappable script is provided.

Camera projections

This asset is intended to be used with orthographic camera, even though it will pixelize a perspective camera.
Please note that only the orthographic camera has the benefit of pixel creep reduction.


Performance difference is rendering to screen vs. rendering to a texture and a second camera rendering that texture.
If your original render is heavy you might even get a performance gain since only a part (25% or less) of the pixels are rendered.

Finding Snappables is cached and not executed every frame.

Mouse Events

When rendering to a texture or using multiple cameras, mouse events stop working properly.
This is solved in MultiCameraEvents script which is automatically added by the UPixelator script.
It works by stopping incorrect default events with camera.eventMask = 0 and emitting correct ones.


Since snapping to a grid is what makes the pixel colors stable, moving objects will flicker by default.
To prevent flickering UPixelatorSnappable can be attached which makes them snap to the same grid as the camera.
This will however introduce zig-zag motion which is less noticeable with higher movement speed.

This will be mitigated with diagonal stabilization (WIP feature: snappable.stabilizeDiagonal).

Shader limitations

Screen Space

Large screen space effects are not supported but repeating patterns like 2,4,8 pixels wide are, see uPixelator.ditherRepeatSize.
Eg. skybox position will not be correct as it's fixed in screen space so when camera snaps subpixel offset will move the skybox.

This can be mitigated with a separate skybox camera (WIP feature: camInfo.renderHandler.parallax).

Ocassional pixel flicker

Ocassional pixel flicker might happen on alpha clipped textures or geometry edges.
Unity does not treat orthographic cameras as truely infinitely distant and infinitely zoomed in.
Because of that the lights slightly move with the camera and change color intensities for specular/reflective materials.

This can be mitigated by moving the camera backwards from player position as screen size is the same, see camController.extraOrthoOffset.


  • Works with both a set resolution or with Free Aspect even when resizing the game window
  • Maintains pixel size and adjusts orthographicSize to keep objects the same size on screen
  • Supports changing screen size from even to odd game window size without flickering

Additional checkboxes needed to get it working with custom scripts for zoom, see camInfos.renderHandler > Orthographic Size Correction.


  • Drag the UPixelator prefab into scene and you should immediatelly get the pixelated effect
  • Drag the UPixelator - Canvas prefab into scene to get the runtime UI controls
  • Set Scale: 1 in game window to have pixels render 1 on 1

Fine tuning

  • When setting camera.targetTexture with lower resolution Unity uses mipmaps and reduces the texture resolution
    • [URP] A quick workaround for mipmaps is to set this in the renderer asset Quality > Upscaling Filter > FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0
    • [Built-in] Set texture's MipMaps to Off and texture's filtering to Point
  • Lower the texture's resolution
  • Increase the shadow resolution
  • [Built-in] Set Quality > Shadow Projection: Stable Fit


  • [World Space] works by setting uPixelator.mirrorCamera and adding the elements to the selected uPixelator.layerMaskUI layer
  • [Overlay] To follow a world Transform parent the element to it and attach FollowTransformUI.cs

Legacy text font resolution:

  • Set font rendering mode to Hinted Raster and character to ASCII default set
  • Click Tripple dot icon (upper right) > Create Editable Copy
  • Set copied font's texture filtering to Point and lower the resolution
  • Use GlobalSetFont.cs with the copied font to update all Text components in the scene

Demo scene

  • Located in Example/Scenes folder
  • Assets used:
    • If you're interested in these assets it's better to download them directly from the package manager
    • Unity Technologies > 3d Game Kit character with modified scripts
    • Unity Technologies > AR Face Assets texture and modified mesh
    • Texture's resolution from these assets have been lowered to achieve a smalled unitypackage size

Known issues

  • [URP] Consecutive cameras do not work with Post Process enabled Forum
  • Using rigidbody.MovePosition with Snappables throttles movement Forum

In progress/research

  • [WIP] Parallax effect for multiple cameras
  • Diagonal movement stabilization for snappables
  • Perspective camera example for non pixelated world space canvas elements
  • [HDRP] targetTexture with lower resolution does not render full screen rect