
Show Tweets on google map. Two versions were implemented using Flask and Rails.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository includes two course assignment of mine. The twitter streaming part is under the root directory and is shared between both assignment. eb-flask is a Flask application for assignment one, and eb-rails is an RoR application for assignment two.

Check Cloud Computing | Trello for more resources regarding the assignments.

Assignment 1 - Tweet Map

The goal of this assignment is to provide you experience in developing and deploying a web application using AWS Cloud services. Your web application would collect Twitts and do some processing and represent the Twitts on GoogleMaps. Following are the required steps:

  1. Use Twitter Streaming API to fetch tweets from the twitter hose in real-time.

  2. Use ElasticSearch(elastic/elasticsearch: Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine) or AWS CloudSearch to store the tweets on the backend

  3. Create a web UI that allows users to search for a few keywords (via a dropdown). The keywords (up to 10) can be of your choosing.

  4. Use Google Maps API to render these filtered tweets in the map in whatever manner you want.

  5. Deploy your application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk in an auto-scaling environment.

Assignment 2 - SQS and SNS

  • Use the Amazon SQS service to create a processing queue for the Tweets that are delivered by the Twitter Streaming API.

  • Use Amazon SNS service to update the status processing on each tweet so the UI can refresh.

  • Integrate a third party cloud service API into the Tweet processing flow.

  • Architecture Diagram