
Human-friendly typed HTTP request library for Node.js or JS Client

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Human-friendly typed HTTP request library for Node.js or JS Client


$ npm install easy-fetch
$ yarn add easy-fetch


- No gen. types and no parsing

import fetch from "easy-fetch"

const res = await fetch("https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random")

console.log(res) // Normal fetch Response, res: Response | null

- Callback with no gen. types

import fetch from "easy-fetch"

// const res: any | null
const res = await fetch(
  ({ parsedAPIResponse }) => parsedAPIResponse
console.log(res) // Parsed response ( body.json() )

- Callback with gen. types

import fetch from "easy-fetch"

type APIResponse = {
  categories: any[]
  created_at: string
  icon_url: string
  id: string
  updated_at: string
  url: string
  value: string

const res = await fetch<string, APIResponse>(
  // parsedAPIResponse: as APIResponse
  ({ parsedAPIResponse }) => parsedAPIResponse.value // ... fetch<string, ... >
console.log(res) // res: string | null

// OR

const res = await fetch<APIResponse, APIResponse>(
  // parsedAPIResponse: as APIResponse
  ({ parsedAPIResponse }) => parsedAPIResponse // ... fetch<APIResponse, ... >
console.log(res) // res: APIResponse | null


Radovan Pelka (Rado)

| Radovan Pelka