
Gods worst build system. Meant for playgrounds.

Primary LanguageRust


Maker is a build system designed for single-source files. This software is particularly useful for coding playgrounds (or a collection of standalone single-source files meant to have individual binaries).


Maker will accept one or more source files, and will have their source files compiled into their respective binaries. By default they will be put into the bin directory for organization.


You can configure compilation commands for a specific language through a maker file located alongside your chosen source files (or if there is no maker file in your current directory, it will use ~/maker instead).

Configuring the specific command used (in the use case of multiple compilers, etc.) is also possible. Add config CONFIG_WORD before its respective attribute(s) to set that for CONFIG_WORD,. To set the configuration, add -c CONFIG_WORD as the arguments to maker.

If the attribute is set without a preceding configuration, then that attribute will be the default configuration when a -c argument isn't present.

Comments in your source files CAN have a use, specifically to add flags for that source file. Add comment (ex: //MAKER:, #MAKER:, etc.) to declare the prefix (ideally a comment). Any instances of that prefix of the source file will then add to the flags.

all-comment can also be used (in default config) to add flags for the source file, and this will apply to every configuration regardless.

To setup a configuration for a specific language (in this case C):

extension .c # .cpp .cxx .cc #and yes comments exist
    config gcc
        format gcc %file% -o %output%
        comment //GCC:

    config tcc
        format tcc %file% -o %output%
        comment //TCC:
    format cc %file% -o %output%
    comment //CC:
    all-comment //ALL:

The extension can take in multiple extensions:

extension .c .cpp .cc

And will still have the same format specified for all of them.