
Simple router and template system for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

phpRouter - Router + Templater

phpRouter is a simple router and template system.


Routes are defined as function calls and can take up to two arguments:

  1. Route path, with or without variables
  2. Target function or PHP file

Route variables

A route may contain placeholder fields that are exported as variables when the route is accessed.

For example, we have a route: /route/$variable. When we access the route from a web browser, like /route/text, the $variable variable will take the "text" value.

Available routers:

  • Router::default() - provides access to static content
  • Router::all($route, $target) - routes all requests
  • Router::get($route, $target) - routes GET requests only
  • Router::post($route, $target) - routes POST requests only
  • Router::notfound($target) - 404 route, if no other routes match

Default route

This route must be added before the notfound route in order to provide access to static content (stored in the /static folder).

Router Examples:

// Route pointing to a PHP file
Router::get('/path1', 'script.php');

// Route with a content function
Router::get('/path2', function() { ?>
    <p>HTML code here</p>
<?php });

// Route with a variable and content function
Router::get('/path3/$variable', function($variable) { ?>
    <p>Variable value: <?= $variable ?></p>
<?php });

// Static content provider


Templater is a simple template system.

Template file

The template file is a PHP file where two macros can be inserted:

  • Page title: <?= $Templater_title ?>
  • Page content: <?php $Templater_content(); ?>

Using the template

To fill the template with content we use the render function:

Templater::render($template_path, $insert_content, $title)
  • $template_path - path to template file
  • $insert_content - path to PHP content or a content function
  • $title - page title (optional)

Templater Examples:

// Route with page template and title
        function() { ?>
            <p>HTML code here</p>
        <?php },
        'Page Title'

// Route with page template and a variable
        function($variable) { ?>
            <p>Variable value: <?= $variable ?></p>
        <?php }


For development purposes, the routes.php script can be started in development server mode with the command:

php -S localhost:8000 routes.php

Sample files

The repository comes already fitted with sample files.