Collective API

This app contains all of the endpoints needed for:

  • React Curriculum Checkpoints


This server stores everything in-memory, so every time you restart the server, you get a clean slate.


git clone
cd collective-api
npm install
npm start

Then you can see the API running on http://localhost:8082

API Endpoints

Components Unit - Shopping Cart

  • GET: http://localhost:8082/api/products
  • GET: http://localhost:8082/api/items

API Unit - Bookstore

  • GET (all books) / POST (add book): http://localhost:8082/api/books
  • DELETE: http://localhost:8082/api/books/:id
  • PATCH (add book to cart): http://localhost:8082/api/books/cart/add/:id
  • PATCH (remove book from cart): http://localhost:8082/api/books/cart/remove/:id

Project: React Inbox

  • GET (all messages): http://localhost:8082/api/messages
  • PATCH (updates multiple messages, see API for req.body requirements): http://localhost:8082/api/messages
  "messageIds": [1,2,3],
  "command": "read",
  "read": true

Redux Unit - Reddit Clone

  • GET (all posts) /POST (add post): http://localhost:8082/api/posts

  • DELETE: http://localhost:8082/api/posts/:id

  • GET (up-vote): http://localhost:8082/api/posts/votes/increase/:id

  • GET (down-vote): http://localhost:8082/api/posts/votes/decrease/:id

  • GET (all comments) / POST (add comment): http://localhost:8082/api/comments

  • DELETE: http://localhost:8082/api/comments/:id

Router Unit - User Login

  • GET (all users): http://localhost:8082/api/users
  • POST (add user): http://localhost:8082/api/users
  • POST (user login): http://localhost:8082/api/login (REQUIRES USER EMAIL AND PASSWORD)