Covid-19 Data Visulaization

This project is a continuation of the analysis of Covid-19 data performed using SQL in the previous project

After querying the data and answering important questions, I used Tableau to visualize the data into a more meaningful graphical representation.


App Screenshot

🛠 Skills Used

SQL: Joins, CTE's, Temp Tables, Windows Functions, Aggregate Functions, Creating Views, Converting Data Types

Tableau: Data Comprehension, Modeling, Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping

🚀 About Me

👋 Hi, I’m @Raed-Alshehri

👀 I’m interested in data science, machine learning, and statistics.

🌱 I’m applying my skills in the data analytics field using Python, R, and SQL

🔗 Links

portfolio linkedin


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at