
Dart CLI tool for downloading and pre-processing Dragalia Lost game assets.

Primary LanguageDart


Deprecated. This is replaced by dragalia-asset-downloader-2.

Dart CLI tool for downloading and pre-processing Dragalia Lost game assets.


.NET Core 3.1+

This can be downloaded via https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1.

Enter this command in the terminal to ensure the .NET Core SDK is installed:


Make sure the directory structure looks like this:

---- (root)
  |---- dldump.exe
  |---- config.json (dumping config)
  |---- Decrypt.dll (manifest file decryption)
  |---- BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll (dependency for Decrypt.dll)
  |---- Decrypt.deps.json (necessary file for Decrypt.dll)
  |---- Decrypt.runtimeconfig.json (necessary file for Decrypt.dll)
  |---- as (config for asset studio)
    |---- action.json (config for exporting the action files)
    |---- animation.json (config for exporting the animation clips)
    |---- icons.json (config for exporting the icons)
    |---- localized.json (config for exporting the localized assets, for example, text label)
    |---- manifest.json (config for exporting the manifest files)
    |---- master.json (config for exporting the common master assets)
    |---- ui.json (config for exporting the UI elements, for example, in-game buff icons)
    |---- unitdetail.json (config for exporting the detailed unit images)
  |---- AssetStudio (asset exporting)
    |---- (AssetStudio files)

Errors occur if the directory structure does not look like this.

Note that there are some additional files, including AssetStudioCLI.exe and its dependencies in the AssetStudio.

Therefore, it is required to use the AssetStudio files directly provided by this repository, instead of the one from the original repository.


Enter this in the terminal to check the usage:
