
Node package for uploading screenshots to puush.me

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm version

Node package for uploading screenshots to puush.


$ npm install node-puush-upload


$ npm install git://github.com/Raesta/node-puush-upload.git


var Puush = require('puush');

var puush = new Puush('YOURAPIKEY');

  • Puush (apiKey) - Constructor, apiKey is required.
  • simple (filename, callback) - Upload file. Maximum filesize for free account: 272629051 bytes.
  • multi (dirname, callback) - Upload multiple files from a folder.


Constructor, apiKey is required.

simple(filename, callback)

Upload a file.
Maximum file size for free account: 260MB-708B-filename.length,
if your filename is only 1 character, then it is: 272629051 bytes

Result from callback:
  id: 123456,  // uploaded file id
  url: 'http://puu.sh/x/y' // download url

multi(dirname, callback)

Upload multiple files with folder. Maximum file size for free account: 260MB-708B-filename.length,
if your filename is only 1 character, then it is: 272629051 bytes

Result from callback
    id: 123456, // uploaded file id
    url: 'http://puu.sh/x/y' // download url
  { // more flies


  • Custom option system