
T.C.C. for Computer Science graduation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub language count GitHub language count GitHub repo file count GitHub repo size GitHub language count


  • Team:

(Supervisor: Malgarete Costa - Students: João Piovesan, Haissam Fawaz, Rafael Kozlowski, João Manoel)

Documentation related to the Project:


Provisionamento do codigo atualmente se encontra no Heroku, juntamente com o banco de dados e pode ser acessado atravez da url: https://projeto-monitoria-api.herokuapp.com/

Ao fazer commit na branch de delopment o ambiente é atualizado com o novo codigo.


Prisma migrate

'' npx prisma migrate dev --name init ''

to generate the scheema run '' npx prisma generate ''

Environment variables

Add a secret token to the environemnt variable


the application on heroku will have its own secret token and the application will use it to gernetare the authorization.