Tools and utilities for PCB design. !!!Very early version. Runs ok for my works.
- Convert EAGLE v7 BRD file to EdaTools board file (.XBRD)
- Convert EAGLE v7 LBR file to EdaTools library file (.XLIB)
- Convert KiCad pcb file to EdaTools board file (.XBRD)
- Convert EdaTools board file (.XBRD) to EAGLE or KiCAD
- Convert EdaTools library file (.XLIB) to KiCAD footprint library
- Extract information from board (BOM, Centroids, etc)
- Merge any number of boards to create a single board panel.
- Create production files from CAM project file (.XCAM).
- Generate gerber X3 image files.
- Generate gerber X3 drill and route files.
- Generate IPC-D356 file.
- Generate IPC-2581C file.
- Compliant with Ucamco Gerber File Format Specification (
- Passed Gerber test with "".
- Passed IPC2581C test with 3D PCBA Viewer.
- I used this tool for convert KiCAD to IPC2581 for board fabrication. Pending for assembly.