Rest API in LARAVEL for a Dental Clinic

This is a project to introduce the use of PhP and Laravel.

Where to test the demo

A bit of background

This is an example of a backend for an appointment app for a dental clinic.

We have 2 roles for user: Client, Dentist / Admin. The Client can see the previos appointments and create new ones in 'pending' state The Dentist / Admin can see previos appointments from a certain Client, see own history of appointment. Also and create new appointments and change the status of them.

Data Structure

alt text

Software needed

  • PhP 7.4
  • MariaDB
  • Composer
  • Laravel

Get the repo

Install dependencies

  • composer update
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan passport:install


  • the laravel config occours in the .env file:
    • Need to set up the Database config and project

How to run it.

  • php artisan serve

The endpoints


  • post -> /auth/login -> Allow user to obtain session token
  • post -> /auth/register -> Allow the creation of a new user
  • Routes protected by Auth
    • Admin routes
    • Routes protected by Role:0 -> Admin/Dentist
      • User Logic

        • get -> /users -> Obtain all the users
        • get -> /user/{id} -> Obtain the desired user
        • post -> /user -> Create a new user
        • put -> /user/{id} -> Edit the desired user
        • delete -> /user/{id} -> Soft-delete the desired user
      • Appointment Logic

        • post -> /admin/appointment/create -> Create a new appointment with status accepted
        • get -> /admin/appointments -> Get all the appointments.
        • get -> /admin/appointments/client/{id} -> Get all the appointments from the desired Client
        • get -> /admin/appointments/dentist/{id} -> Get all the appointments from the desired Dentist/Admin
        • put -> /admin/appointment/accept/{id} -> Change the estatus to accepted
        • put -> /admin/appointment/done/{id} -> Change the status to done
        • delete -> /admin/appointment/{id} -> Change the status to cancelled
      • Client Routes

        • get -> /client/appointments -> Get all the client appointments
        • post -> /client/appointment -> Create a new appointment with status pending
        • delete -> /client/appointment/{id} -> Change the status to cancelled
      • Profile Routes

        • get -> /profile -> Retrive the user profile info
        • put -> /profile -> Allow edit the info of the User
        • delete -> /profile -> Soft-delete the account