Benchmarking Cross-Chain Bridges

This project aims to provide a systematic comparison between cross-chain bridge aggregators (message aggregators and token aggregators/DEXs).

Project Structure

└── benchmark message protocol
        └── contracts.s.sol

├── contracts
├── helper
│   ├── inp_validator.ts
│   ├── provider.ts
│   ├── token-constants_global.ts
│   └── token-misc.ts
├── token aggregator
│   └── benchmark protocol
│       ├── config.ts
│       ├── constants_local.ts
│       └── route_builder.ts
└─ message aggregator
    └── benchmark protocol

├── helper
│   └── provider.test.ts
├── token aggregator
│   └── benchmark protocol
│       └── route_builder.test.ts
└── message aggregator
    └── benchmark protocol

Running the project

The different testing modules of the project are implemented as scripts that can be ran via yarn or npm.

yarn run test:all # runs tests for token and message aggregators
yarn run test:helper # makes sure env variables are setup, networks are supported, transactions can be signed
yarn run test:token-aggregators # generate the route.json files that contain the different trading routes and quotas
yarn run test:message-aggregators # deploys contracts and issues transactions for interacting with the counter contracts

Run Transactions

yarn run:hyperlane # creates a hyperlane transaction on the goerli network

Clear Run Logs

yarn clear:dry-run # clears foundry run logs


This project was successfully tested on the following with node version v18.17.1

System Node
6.4.12-arch1-1 v18.17.1
MacOS M1 v13.4 v18.17.1

Make sure you have permission to run the .sh scripts. You may run chmod -R 777 . .

Sometimes running

Known issues and fixes:

  1. something about fetch missing Solution: Use node v18.17.1 (there were some changes with the default packages included in node, version gte the one we used seems to work)


Name Github
Shankar Subramanian
Rafael Belchior
André Augusto


This project is sponsored by Hyperledger and Blockdaemon.