Rock Paper Shooter - DJDIII Project

An arena 3rd-person shooter based on the "rock-paper-scissors" game.


  • Hugo Feliciano - 21805809
  • Pedro Fernandes - 21803791
  • Rafael Castro e Silva - 21903059

Project Structure

All data regarding variables that will be iterated upon, altered by design or make up important data regarding a game object is placed in a scriptable object, this is to minimize prefab merge conflict fuckery.

The monobehaviour script of a game object should then read from the apropriate Scriptable Object to get its correct data.

Scripts/Scriptablescontains the scripts that define the Scriptable Objects. Scriptable Objects/ contains the scriptable objects themselves, created by using the right-click menu of the Assets window in the editor.

Arena generation procedure suggestion

In Editor

  1. Create a Tower

    1. Create a Tower Piece
      1. Create Geometry of Tower Piece
      2. Give the created object Mesh Collider and a Rigidbody components
      3. Create an empty and position it on the Piece's "center" - if this is a middle piece then it will be the player's spawn location and direction.
      4. Drag the empty into the "pivot transform" property in the Piece's inspector window.
      5. Make a Prefab out of this object.
    2. Create and empty that will hold all 3 pieces, add to it a ArenaTower component
    3. Add the pieces you want as part of the tower as children of this empty
    4. Position the pieces however you want vertically.
      1. Script will align all pieces in the x and z axis so all the pivots form a straight vertical line.
    5. In the ArenaTower component of the empty add the children as "Top", "Mid", "Bot".
    6. Create a prefab of this Empty, this is a Tower, put it in a folder with only other Towers, or by itself.
  2. Arena Setup

    1. Create a GameObject with a ArenaGenerator component.
    2. Select the amount of Towers to be in that Arena.
    3. (Optional) Add to that GameObject all the Tower prefabs you want in the arena.
      1. By default it will select all the towers in the Arena Towers Folder.
    4. (Optional) Define a center Tower that will be put in the center of the Arena no matter what.
      1. Default is all towers are treated equal.

In Code

  1. Arena Generation
    1. Define a Y value to be the base
    2. Define a (X,Z) coordinate as the center of the Arena.
    3. From all the Towers it can use, randomly select the towers up to the previously defined number, these are the chosen Towers
      • If a center Tower was defined then immediately chose that one before choosing the others.
    4. In the chosen towers, access the RigidBody components of each piece and set mass = 0 and turn off Gravity, restrict all rotation axis and increase the Drag and Angular Drag to at least 1.
      • In the center tower set mass = 99 (higher than 0), and turn off Gravity, restrict all rotation axis and increase the Drag and Angular Drag to at least 1.
    5. Spawn the towers randomly in a small area (> 1 unit away) around the defined center, with the pivot points of the middle pieces of every Tower acting as origins for the GameObjects.
      • If defined, the center Tower will be spawned dead set in the middle.
    • The physics engine will now push every tower away from each other until no geometry overlap
  2. Additional Setup
    1. Add a Box Collider to every Tower and set IsTrigger = true, this will be used to define zones for the AI later.
    2. Spawn players in the pivot of the middle piece of a random tower, looking at the center and both equally distant from it.

Naming convention!

All the instance variables in Behaviour classes whose values are obtained from Data Scriptable Objects are prefixed with a d. So for example, the private instance variable that controls the rate of fire of a ShooterBehaviour is called _dFireRate.