Stock Manager API

This is a Stock Manager API built using TypeScript, Prisma, Node.js, and Express. It allows you to manage the inventory of products, including functionalities for adding, listing, updating, and deleting products, as well as managing categories.

Design Principles

SOLID Principles: The codebase follows the principles of SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) to create a more maintainable and scalable application architecture.

MVC Architecture: The application architecture follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, separating concerns into models for data handling, views for rendering, and controllers for business logic.


Product Management:

Create new products, List all products, Get product by ID, Update product details, Delete a product,

Category Management:

Create new categories, List all categories, Get category by ID, Update category details, Delete a category,

Stock Management:

Record product stock in and out movements


Clone the repository

git clone

Install Dependencies

Install dependencies on the front-end and back-end

npm install

Express Server

npm run dev

REST Endpoints


Endpoint Description Method Body
/products/ Get all ideas GET None
/products/:id Get product by id GET None
/products/ Add product POST { name, price, categoryId: { id } }
/products/:id/stockin Stock in POST { amount}
/products/:id/stockout Stock out POST { amount }
/products/:id Update product PUT { name, price, categoryId: { id } }
/products/:id Delete product DELETE None


Endpoint Description Method Body
/categories/ Get all categories GET None
/categories/:id Get categorie by id GET None
/categories/ Add product POST { name }
/categories/:id Update categorie PUT { name }
/categories/:id Delete categorie DELETE None