Market Management API

This API provides functionalities to manage products and categories for a marketplace.


Install Dependencies

npm install

Back-end/Express Server

npm start

Visit http://localhost:3000

Environment Variables

Add your PostgreSQL URL to the .env file.


REST Endpoints


Endpoint Description Method Body
/products Get all products GET None
/products/:id Get products by id GET None
/products/categories/:categoryid Get products by category GET None
/products Add product POST { name, description, price, currency, quantity, active, category_id }
/products/:id Update product PUT { name, description, price, currency, quantity, active, category_id }
/products/:id Delete product DELETE None


Endpoint Description Method Body
/categories Get all categories GET None
/categories/:id Get category by id GET None
/categories Add a categorie POST { name }
/categories/:id Update categorie PUT { name }
/categoriesd/:id Delete categorie DELETE None