
Project developed along the book Let's Go, by Alex Edwards.

Primary LanguageGo



Snippetbox is a project developed along with the book "Let's Go" by Alex Edwards. It is a web application built using the Go programming language and follows best practices in web development. The project covers various aspects of building a web application, such as routing, middleware, database integration, and authentication.

Table of Contents



  • User authentication and authorization
  • Create, view, and manage code snippets
  • Secure password handling
  • Middleware implementation for enhanced functionality
  • Database integration with MySQL
  • Graceful error handling and logging


To set up Snippetbox locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/RafaelClaumann/snippetbox.git
    cd snippetbox
  2. Run the MySQL container using Docker Compose:

    Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.

    docker-compose up -d

    This command will start the MySQL database in detached mode (-d).

  3. Build and run the application:

    go build ./cmd/web
    # or
    go run ./cmd/web
  4. To run integrated tests you need to create 'test_snippetbox' database:

    CREATE DATABASE test_snippetbox CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  5. Running application tests:

    go test -v ./...


Once the application is running, you can access it via https://localhost:4000. The following routes are available:


Method URL Function Description Access
GET / app.home Displays the home page of the application. Public
GET /about app.about Displays the "About" page of the application. Public
GET /snippet/view/:id app.snippetView Displays a specific snippet based on the provided ID in the URL. Public
GET /user/signup app.userSignup Displays the user signup form. Public
POST /user/signup app.userSignupPost Processes the user signup form data. Public
GET /user/login app.userLogin Displays the user login form. Public
POST /user/login app.userLoginPost Processes the user login form data. Public
GET /account/password/update app.updatePassword Displays the form to update the user's password. Protected
POST /account/password/update app.updatePasswordPost Processes the password update form data. Protected
GET /account/view app.accountView Displays the user's account information. Protected
GET /snippet/create app.snippetCreate Displays the form to create a new snippet. Protected
POST /snippet/create app.snippetCreatePost Processes the new snippet creation form data. Protected
POST /user/logout app.userLogoutPost Processes the user logout, ending the session. Protected

Technologies Used

  • Go: The main programming language used for the backend.
  • MySQL: Used for storing user and snippet data.
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: For the front-end interface.
  • Docker: To facilitate containerization and deployment.
  • GitHub Actions: To create CI(Continuous Integration).


Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or new features you'd like to add, please fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request. Ensure your code follows the existing style and includes tests where appropriate.

For more information, visit the repository on GitHub.