
RESTful API to manage companies, units and all machines using MongoDB and Mongoose.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🔧 Mech Enterprises API

RESTful API to manage companies, units and all your machines!


💻 Technologies

📂 Structure and Postman Collecion

🚀 Run locally

If you want to run the API in your own computer, you'll just need to:

git clone https://github.com/RafaelEmery/mech-enterprises-api.git 

npm install

npm start

❓ How it works?

You can create, read, update and delete three entities:

  • The companies that contains the units
  • The many units of the companies
  • All the machines from a unit

📲 Endpoints

Routes Methods Params
/companies GET, POST, PUT, DELETE :id on PUT, DELETE and show function
/units GET, POST, PUT, DELETE :id on PUT and DELETE
/machines GET, POST, PUT, DELETE :id on PUT and DELETE

Important: If you want to get all data from a single company (all units and all machines) in a single GET request, you'll have to use the /companies/:id endpoint.

🔩 Example of POST requests

Creating a machine
    "unit": "5f4937494ab3c8782ed3b2a3", //Unit id
    "name": "Machine 1",
    "image": "http://image.com", //Image url
    "model": "Model 1",
    "responsible": "Rafa",
    "status": "Available" //Enum of ['Available', 'Disable', 'In maintence']

    "message": "Machine created!"

😃 What was my experience?

Once i used MongoDB Atlas and Mongoose while i was watching a YouTube tutorial, but i didn't really learned a lot about it. This times, i consider it a great experience to code with different/unusual (for myself) techniques, packages (ODM) and Data Bases.

MongoDB surely is a great option to use with Node.js and Mongoose is a very nice ODM, with a great documentation. However, i struggled to work with assiociations using NoSQL.

Made with by Rafael Emery to Tractian. Hope you enjoy it!