Flask User CRUD
A simple example of RESTful services
How to "install"
You may want to create a virtual environment and activate it via:
$> python3 -m venv venv
$> source venv/bin/activate
Then install all the dependencies like so:
$> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(make sure you're in this directory when you run that, otherwise adjust accordingly).
How to run
To run the development server:
$> sh run_dev.sh
Manual tests via scripts:
$> python3 utils/create_user.py
$> python3 utils/update_user.py
Delete (soft delete)
$> python3 utils/delete_user.py
Note: Follow the prompts, these are interactive scripts.
Testing scan
You should be able to perform GET requests through a browser but a helpful snippet (if you have jq installed) is:
$> curl | jq
Which should show you something like this: