
This Chrome Extension adds a Snooze feature to GitHub Issues and PRs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github Snooze Chrome Extension

This Chrome Extension adds a Snooze feature to GitHub issues and pull requests.

How it works

This extension allows to "snooze" GitHub issues and pull requests so that you get notified after a certain time if there is no activity on the issue or pull request.

This is useful for example if:

  • you opened an issue and you're waiting for feedback on it
  • you opened a pull request and you're waiting for a review
  • you replied to an issue or pull request and you're waiting for somebody to reply


The GitHub Snooze Extension is available in the Chrome Web Store. You can install it as a regular extension.


You will need to generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT), with these permissions:

  • repo: used for getting the repository information, such as last update date time on issues and pull requests
  • read:user: used for retrieving the current logged in user information (GitHub ID and username)



This extension will require this set of permissions:

  • tabs: used for checking the current navigation URL on different tabs and if it matches the https://github.com/* pattern
  • alarms: used for periodic checks for the updates on a PR / issue
  • storage: used for storing in the sync and local storage data
  • background: used for running in background a service_worker that will manage all the background operations, such as: checking current url, set initial state, ...
  • notifications: used for sending in-browser notifications

No action is required by the user to allow or enable these permissions, the browser will manage those automatically.

Local storage

The local storage will be used to store this information:

  • currentUrl: the current url you are navigating on, only if it matches the https://github.com/* pattern
  • pat: the user personal access token
  • user: user object with the information retrieved from GET https://api.github.com/user

Sync storage

The sync storage will be used to store this information:

  • snoozeList: the list of all the snooze the user planned
  • badgeCounter: the number of notifications (expired snoozes) available

Advanced usage


A hosted Storybook is running here.

Using the unpacked extension

In order to use this extension locally from a compressed archive:

  • Download the release artifact with the distribution files, the dist.zip and extract it.
  • Open the Extension Management page by navigating to: chrome://extensions
  • Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode
  • Click the Load unpacked button and select the extension directory, in this case the previously extracted folder


In order to use this extension during the development:

  • Run npm start in the project root, this command will generate the dist folder and will run the extension in watch mode
  • Open the Extension Management page by navigating to: chrome://extensions
  • Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode
  • Click the Load unpacked button and select the extension directory, in this case the dist folder

Chrome Store listing

The extension is published automatically to the Chrome Store whenever a new release is made in the repository.

To publish a new release, use the standard release workflow from the Actions tab of the repository.


Screenshots to be included in the store listing can be generated with storycap running the command npm run storycap.

It uses Storybook to generate stories for the screenshots.