
This is a multiplataform application where you can store the names of the musical groups and albums of your collection.

Getting Started.

Download the project: git clone Create folder backend/public/images to save images.


It has been necessary to develop for this project:

Frontend: Node Ionic: npm install -g @ionic/cli

Backend: Node Sequelize: npm install sequelize mysql2 express: npm install express cors: npm install cors

Necessary for running of the project:

You will need to install Node and Ionic CLI and download node_module directory in backend and frontend. This app connects with a sql database, so you will need to install a virtual server on your computer because the database is stored on localhost for development.

Node: Ionic: npm install -g @ionic/cli

Generate node_modules in frontend directory: npm install

Generate node_modules in backend directory: npm install


I have used Postman To perform the tests in the backend.

Donwload Postman:

the collection of postman addresses that have been used are:


Rafael Juan Navarro RamĂ­rez