
Primary LanguageHaxe

Entry for Ludum Dare 34, made with Haxe and Kha

How to compile

Install haxe, nodejs and git
Then on the command line:

Install the haxe lib tweenx:

haxelib install tweenx

Clone the project and the submodules:

git clone https://github.com/RafaelOliveira/LD34  
cd LD34  
git submodule update --init --recursive

Change the file khafile.js to match the path of tweenx in your system
If you are using the default installation of haxe on windows, probably is the same path

Then to to create the html5 project and run in a server:

node Kha/make html5  
node Kha/make --server

There is a bug on tweenx that prevents the compilation to windows. Other targets weren't tested.