
Instructions on how to connect your ADXL345 to your host Raspberry Pi via a RP2040-Zero

RP2040-Zero ADXL345 Connection Klipper

Connect your ADXL345 to your host Raspberry Pi via a RP2040-Zero

Raspberry PiRP2040-ZeroADXL345

My mounting solution for the Sovol SV06

I use this on my Sovol SV06. I highly recommend using short cables.

Setup 1 Setup 2




[mcu RP2040]
baud: 115200
restart_method: command
# Obtain definition by "ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/"
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E66138935F154C28-if00

cs_pin: RP2040:gpio1
spi_bus: spi0a

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