- 4
$stateChangePermission(Start, Accepted, and Denied) events no longer work with 5.3.x and ui-router 1.x
#424 opened by xsegrity - 2
- 6
no $stateChangePermissionStart after upgrading to @uirouter/angularjs && angular-permission 5.3.2
#452 opened by NitsanBaleli - 2
State params not passed to signin state
#451 opened by dragos-cojocari - 0
- 5
Default Directive Behavior - attachElement()
#394 opened by majew7 - 4
A different approach for ng-if
#435 opened by Eduardo-Julio - 5
Using angular-permission in controller
#422 opened by wal0x - 0
where i should store session and store after login ?? (Can you give example)
#446 opened by FerdinaKusumah - 0
Where the API?
#445 opened by xu-oliver - 0
permission-sref state params
#442 opened by Jcbobo - 5
How to add permission-only dynamically?
#434 opened by hashim-sohail - 5
Search params not preserved on page refresh when using permission.ui module
#401 opened by sagrawal31 - 3
- 2
resolve function in state provider problem
#426 opened by rotemlevi - 2
Set up roles and permissions after authentication
#429 opened by HarshaSuranjith - 3
- 1
How to get current user Roles on services?
#438 opened by mike623 - 1
- 6
- 4
UI-Router 1.x
#440 opened by RudmanMario - 6
Checking for Multiple Permissions
#419 opened by parmarsanjay - 0
- 0
permissions context
#436 opened by LaserUnicorns - 0
Disabling Angular UI bootsrap element.
#427 opened by bhd-vasyl - 1
permission-sref with dynamic access
#431 opened by hdi-amiri - 0
- 5
- 2
IsStateChangePermissionStartDefaultPrevented returns false, despite the fact that until this point there is no call to the preventDefault () method
#423 opened by emanton - 6
- 1
Customized condition on permission doesn't re-run after condition changes
#421 opened by SimonSimCity - 5
Unknown provider: $permissionProvider
#414 opened by bampakoa - 3
Error with new version
#417 opened by pscanlon1 - 0
- 1
Permissions/roles parameters
#407 opened by GabrielGil - 1
Data permission between states
#400 opened by oleg-demkovych - 1
Authentification with LoginCtrl
#416 opened by lammh - 1
- 1
Browser crash
#405 opened by oleg-demkovych - 2
Bower version 5.3.0 retrieves v5.2.1
#415 opened by FritzHerbers - 16
Callback methods not called
#395 opened by LucaPrete - 5
- 4
- 1
redirectTo default with params or function
#408 opened by kishor-shinde - 1
Permission in state do nothing
#410 opened by darkterra - 0
- 1
- 6
How to validate permission, that not defined?
#399 opened by oleg-demkovych - 1
- 0
Multiple PermissionStrategies
#398 opened by oleg-demkovych