how to enable disable elements based on user role?
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Hey I am hiding and showing the elements using angular permission. Now how to enable or disable the elements based on permisssion?
This is giving me error 'permission.onUnauthorized(...) is not a function'.
Same for me. Any updates?
I worked this around by setting PermissionStrategies to the current scope:
$scope.PermissionStrategies = PermissionStrategies;
Make sure to inject PermissionStrategies.
@motymichaely great, works perfectly! thank you, bro!
Hi can someone please show an example of how to write this permission to disable based on the permission setting? Thanks
@thiagomcdc please help me with this problem. Thanks in advance
@thari911 you can use this as a sample code snippet:
Put this in your controller (make sure to inject PermPermissionStrategies
var permissionStrategies = angular.extend({}, {
enableElement: function($element) {
disableElement: function($element) {
// Some custom code for the element
showElement: function($element) {
hideElement: function($element) {
$rootScope.permissionStrategies = permissionStrategies;
The following in your views as an example to enable or disable an anchor based on ui-router permissions:
<a ui-sref="some.router.path"
This will be disabled with no permission to access 'some.router.path'.
@masterspambot could you please assist me with this? anchors are not been disabled. just buttons and inputs only seem to get disabled