
state.$$permissionState is not a function

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I get this error using the unminified version of angular-permission but only in one particular state in my app. It appears to me that for some reason angular-permission does not decorate it with this $$permissionState property as it does on the other states.
Here is a sample of it's state definition:

$stateProvider.state('activation', {
  url: '/activate',
  templateUrl: 'activation.html',
  controller: 'LicenseCtrl as vm',
  data: {
    permissions: {
      only: 'canActivate',
      redirectTo: 'root.home'

The canActivate permission is always returning true so that we can always access this state. The other states I am redirecting to activation have following definition:

.state('root.home.settings.offices', {
  url: '/offices',
  controller: 'OfficeBrowserCtrl as vm',
  templateUrl: 'offices.html',
  data: {
    permissions: {
      only: 'isActivated',
      redirectTo: 'activation'

Here is the isActivated permission:

    .definePermission('isActivated', function() {
        return License.isActivated().then(function(isActivated) {
            return !!isActivated;

In the case that the isActivated permission is rejected I receive an error code from server that is intercepted and invalidates the License service. When first received the error code is caught by the interceptor that emits a signal. In the run method of the module is the handling:

.run(function(License, $rootScope, $state) {
  $rootScope.$on('not_activated', function(event) {

The $state.go statement is causing the error. Any clues why is it happening? The redirect is happening on the second attempt to access the offices state for example. I tried also to inherit a base abstract state and then use activation but no luck again..

As I see activation state is not inheriting from your root state, so it may not have DI module dependency to angular-permissions when loaded. So of solutions will be changing your state to root.activation (if that won't mess with your views) to properly handle module dependencies.

My root state has already the isActivated permission. So if I make activation to inherit it I should add except permisssion for it and it didn't look very logic to me so I left it separate. Can't I just declare in the license/activation module(because it's another module) too that it depends on angular-permission?

Yes you can of course :)

@masterspambot I just tried and adding angular-permission to the DI of the module stopped the error from happening. But does that mean I should add it to all my submodules just to be sure that it's decorating all substates?

No you don't need to. The case is that activation is ui-router's root state the same way your root state is. All deps are inherited down from from the root itself. You just need assure you have properly set deps only for those.