
A module contains some utils procedures for worksheets

MIT LicenseMIT


A Module (VBA scripts) contains some Utils procedures for worksheets in OpenOffice using the star module.


The purpose of this module is to facilitate the creation of macros for spreadsheets.

Because, although the standard VBA spreadsheet modules are very good, there is a lot of effort to use them to do simple tasks. So I decided to create MUtils, to make tasks simple, as simple as calling only 1 procedure.

Getting Started

First download the latest version of MUtils. Now Import this module into your spreadsheet macro project (if you do not know how to import please see this LibreOffice tutorial)


  • Search cell position by string
  • Get cell by name
  • Get cell by position
  • Set cell formula
  • Set cell background color
  • Set cell horizontal justification
  • Set cell vertical justification
  • Set cell format
  • Set string from a cell
  • Set strings from a sheet row
  • Set strings from a sheet column
  • Set value from a cell
  • Set values from a sheet row
  • Set values from a sheet column
  • Copy cells
  • Paste cells
  • Checks if a sheet exists
  • Create a new sheets
  • Copy sheets (events included)
  • Remove sheets